nanoScale Biomagnetics SL

nanoScale Biomagnetic SL (nB) is a technology-based SME company that focuses on the development and commercialization of instrumentation for the magnetic heating of nanoparticles. The company was founded in 2008 as a spin-off of the Magnetic Hyperthermia Group of the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragón of the University of Zaragoza in Spain ( following the successful design and development of a first prototype instrument for the study of magnetic heating of nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia treatment (MHT). Since then, the company has developed the initial prototype instrument into a commercially available product series of AMF-application devices, the DM100 series. Currently, nB’s instruments are considered the quality reference for devices in the field and they are sold worldwide to public and private research institutions. Its technological production is serving as a catalyser for a promising new technology (magnetic heating of nanoparticles) for which nB’s products represent the first and currently only high-end solution in instrumentation. The long-term business strategy of nB follows the path of instrumentation characterization, in vitro application, preclinical in vivo treatment, and in next steps, up to veterinary and human clinical use. Today nB houses a highly specialized R&D department that has proven to be successful in the design and manufacturing of fully unprecedented high-end magnetic heating products and accessories. The company holds strategic long-term partnerships with important contributors in the field of nanotechnology and clinical oncology.

In TBMED nB will serve as a test bed pioneer. In this role they will develop and test clinical devices (instrument and nanoparticles) for Magnetic Hyperthermia.

nB ended their participation in the TBMED project in September 2022.

Team members

Partner information

Calle Panamá, 2
50012 Zaragoza