CYBERnano is a contract research organization founded in 2013 which provides innovative services in data analysis for nanomedicine, cardiology and oncology. CYBERnano’s staff is involved in the development of innovative statistical methods for the design of experiments, the automated analysis of experimental data and the prediction of safety outcomes in the health sector.
In TBMED CYBERnano’s main tasks are to provide statistical services for the design of experiments and the analysis of multidimensional data in the good practices framework of Quality-by-Design (QbD). The algorithms of statistical learning they are developing are embedded into web platforms such as i-Nano. This SaaS platform has been specifically developed to facilitate the implementation of Quality-by-Design for uninitiated users involved in collaborative projects for the development of nanopharmaceuticals. This tool is necessary for the risk management during the whole engineering lifecycle of the nanoparticle.
CYBERnano is leader of Work Package 4.
Partner information
49 boulevard d’Austrasie
54000 Nancy